Tuesday, February 06, 2007

you can have Washington

i'll take New Jersey

It's always the best part, isn't it. The great divide. Cause, really, this town is totally big enough for the both of us. And it does not, actually, have to be like that. We are capable and willing and might even be happy, at some point, to bump in to each other. Now and then. By accident. Sometimes. In the future.

Who gets the coffee shop? Is it something I should check on, every time? Or will you just assume? Cause I would not go making any assumptions. I would hope that, given that we met in this coffee shop and came to this coffee shop three times a week like clockwork, that you would not use it as your next meeting place. Cause, because, because that would be neither kind nor considerate. To let me walk in to that. But then, this is something that I CAN assume, isn't it. Coffee shop. You can have it Thursday through Saturday and every other Wednesday, I will take it on my days off. Fair.

The bike path. Okay. There are a lot of bike paths in this city. A lot. There is more than one way to get from here to there, but really only one that is going to be trouble. I will take it while you are at work. That will do, right? But on my days off, or on the one co-weekend day, you go West and I'll go East. How about that? Cause it would be somewhat, um, not cool to be riding alongside each other and trying to pretend we weren't together. I will take the thin trails, because I have the in-line trailer. You can have the wide ones, for the jogger. Fair?

The taco shop. This one will be tricky, because it is impossible to predict who is going to need it when. I'll tell you what. If you walk in and I am already there you smile and wave and take your stuff to go. And if I walk in and you are already there I will take one look at you and determine that if I sat down and talked to you for two seconds it would chip at the mortar in this wall I started working on yesterday, this wall that I spent years building and that you managed to wear down in the space of three months, which amazingly enough is the exact amount of time it took for us to wear each other down. And if you chip at the mortar enough the bricks are going to start coming out, and there will be holes, and things will get through. Which was all right last time, cause when things got through they were things I wanted, things like you. But that would not do, at all, now. So if you are already there I will turn around and leave. Please do not take it personally. It's not you, man, really. You know what, fuck it, you can have the fucking taco shop. You can have the taco shop and the laundromat and that one section in Powell's that I pace around in while you stare and stare and stare. You can have all of it, I want the coffee shop. I do not care that it was your coffee shop first, it is my coffee shop now and if you come in to it while I am there then you deserve whatever you get. Coffee shop. Mine. And we'll call it even.


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