Wednesday, November 08, 2006

you wanna sleep with common people

you wanna sleep with common people like me

I had a shitty weekend. It was, yeah, kind of shitty. In a really not important way. Some guy is dumb. All right. My friend had a shitty weekend. My other friend is having a shitty, well, yeah. I hope that gets better. My other friend is not getting married. My other friend seems to have lost his mind completely. My other friend appears to be missing, he can't even find himself. And she is sick. And he is moving out. And on and on, all the time, it seems.

I wonder if anyone, anywhere, has it as good as we have it. Look, we are swimming in shit. However we are still happy. Aren't we happy? I am. I can still go to any of five houses any time and be cool. I can still call any of ten numbers and be cool. I am never alone if I don't want to be. I am happy sitting in a coffee shop all by myself for three hours and you know why? Because I am never really by myself. Not in any real way. Because there is a real by yourself, and if you don't know what it is then you are both better and worse off for it. Because it is not fun. But it is also important to know how bad things can get, I think. But check us out, I'm always amazed. I know I talk about it a lot, but I am always surprised at how lucky we are.

And when someone, someone else, it doesn't even matter who, just that they are 'else', fucks me about, I don't mind as much. Not because, you know, I have this network to fall back on, because that's neither the way it is nor the way I see it. But when those things happen, rather than slipping into something horrible, I go Oh, man. You just blew something huge and you do not even know it. You can have your arrogance and your condescension and your dismissal, I will keep my knowing stare and secret smile and you can wonder why I don't seem as upset as you would expect. Because it is, truly, your loss. Not because I am fantastic, not because I am the pearl of great price, but because all those things that you said you wanted, I already have them. I have a key. I know the secret knock. I have a tattoo of an egg that will get me in at any hour and guess what. I am not going to respond to that last. I appreciate that you were hasty. I appreciate that you would reconsider. But I also know that I can be just as arrogant, if I care to. Just as dismissive, maybe even more. Because I don't actually neeeeed anything. Anything.


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