Friday, April 13, 2007

they don’t ask for much

but it ends up bein everything
oh, if you ever
lay your guns down

You expect people to fight for what they want. I do, anyway. I expect that if you want something bad enough, if anyone wants something bad enough, they will do whatever is necessary to get it, as long as it takes. That makes sense to me. A lot of things go into that, though, which allow for the gracious acceptance of defeat. Do you want what you already have more than you want that? All right then. Do you want that more than what you could have, if you gave this up? All right then. Are you really attached to your self esteem? Do you like who you are more than who you might become in the pursuit of this thing? All right then, let it go. Because no matter how you want it, you want those other things more. There is nothing wrong with that.

But the first things, the real things, the things that could change your life, those things? If you want those things bad enough, why would you ever stop short of it? Because it is difficult? Because people and times and situations are difficult? It is a challenge? She is a lot of work. You are being hammered with guilt and it would be easier to just stop here than to wade through it, it’s like the fucking Swamps of Sadness and it’s sucking everything you brought for this. You simply did not realize how much work this was going to be. Man you’ve been to college, you know how hard you have to work to get where you want to go. Years. Years of work, hard work, and when you’re done you get to work the rest of your life to pay for the privilege of getting to work, don’t fucking say you didn’t think you were going to have to work. Jesus. You get one life. Only one. It gets shorter every day. It is shorter now than it was at the top of this page. And now even shorter. What are you going to do with it?

You have, I suppose, a perception of where your life is going to go. It does not go that way, for most people. Sometimes it does, though. That is just dumb luck most times, and if it isn’t it’s because you pushed it the way you want. It’s like driving a car with no power steering. You’ll get there, but your shoulder is going to need some work. But you have an idea of it. This is my plan. These are the steps I need to take in order to achieve my plan. These are the tools I need to take the steps necessary in order to achieve my plan. What are you going to do when you show up with your bag of tools and it turns out that you are building not a treehouse but a mansion? What? You are still a carpenter. You are still building. It’s not what you thought, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have everything you need to get the job done. It is just going to take longer. And while you are building it the owner has to live in a motel. The owner is going to be fucking pissed, man, cause he told you you were building a mansion and you showed up on your bicycle with your stupid backpack on and now he has to live in a motel for three years. But because you built him a fantastic boat once, he wants you to build his mansion. Build it, man, the longer you cry about it, the longer it’s going to take. All you have to do is start building. The plans are there. Everything you need, it’s all there. And the best part is, the moment you start building, the owner is going to hire a crew to help you. And the bester part is, when you’re done building him his mansion, he’s going to let you live in it. As long as you keep up the maintenance.

It is your fault that you are in this situation. It is your fault that we are all in this situation. You did this, you made this, and I gave you a gift, a gift. The gift of work. The gift of you doing anything you can in order to ensure that we get what we want, as long as it takes. Because that is what you have to do, if that is what you want. And I will not fight you. I will not make your job harder. I will do my best to make it easier. Because even though you are a carpenter now, you were once a fighter pilot and I know that it is hard for you to sit out there in the sun and the dirt and sweat your way through manual labor when you remember what it was like, when it was not like that. And I know that it is hard. Because even if right now it seems like I am a maid, do you remember when I was a dancer?


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